Would you like your wedding to be featured on our blog?
To share your favourite moments and give inspiration, hints and tips to upcoming brides please fill out the following questions.
You can fill out as much or as little as you like.
We would love to have access to around 10 – 20 of your favourite images throughout the day, from getting ready to the first day.
This can be via wetransfer, dropbox or even your photographer’s download service.
Please note that you must have your wedding photographer’s permission before giving us access to share your images on our blog – this is important as it ensures that we don’t cause any copyright issues by sharing without permission.
Alternatively, you can email them to enquiries@weddingbellesonline.co.uk These will need to be high res, non-watermarked images.
Thank you for taking the time to fill this out for us. We are very excited for you to be featured on our wedding inspiration blog.
Congratulations again on your marriage
love the WBTeam x